Clovelly Ticket Portal


Gender: Male 

Year of birth: 2013 

Best friend: Everyone 

Height: 110cm/10.3hh 

Colouring: Grey Dun with stripey back legs 

Ernie is the oldest and wisest. He is bold and strong. He likes to stop and admire the beautiful views on his walks around Clovelly Estate. Ernie is always eager to pose for a photo especially as he is so handsome with his neat, short spikey coat and stripey legs.  

Adoption Benefits: 

  • Adoption Certificate 
  • A membership card 
  • 4 Exclusive postcards to share 
  • Adoption guide/information 
  • A beautiful portrait of your donkey (A5) 
  • Two updates on your donkey in Spring (March) and Autumn (October) 
  • Access to 2 additional webcams not available on the public feed. 
  • A pair of tickets so you and one other can visit your donkey every year.


  • Annual Adoption
    Annual Adoption

    1 year membership; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern


    1 year membership; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern

  • Monthly Adoption
    Monthly Adoption

    1 year membership billed £3.50 every month, over 12 payments; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern


    1 year membership billed £3.50 every month, over 12 payments; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern


Gender: Male 

Year of birth: 2013 

Best friend: Everyone 

Height: 110cm/10.3hh 

Colouring: Grey Dun with stripey back legs 

Ernie is the oldest and wisest. He is bold and strong. He likes to stop and admire the beautiful views on his walks around Clovelly Estate. Ernie is always eager to pose for a photo especially as he is so handsome with his neat, short spikey coat and stripey legs.  

Adoption Benefits: 

  • Adoption Certificate 
  • A membership card 
  • 4 Exclusive postcards to share 
  • Adoption guide/information 
  • A beautiful portrait of your donkey (A5) 
  • Two updates on your donkey in Spring (March) and Autumn (October) 
  • Access to 2 additional webcams not available on the public feed. 
  • A pair of tickets so you and one other can visit your donkey every year.

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