Clovelly Ticket Portal


Gender: Male 

Year of birth: 2018 

Best friend: Ernie 

Height: 108cm/10.3hh 

Colouring:  Grey Dun 

Rex is fun and affectionate. He loves being groomed, which is lucky because he has a very unruly coat that needs a lot of brushing to look smart. If Rex sees anyone with a brush, he will be there ready and waiting for a full pamper session. 

Adoption Benefits: 

  • Adoption Certificate 
  • A membership card 
  • 4 Exclusive postcards to share 
  • Adoption guide/information 
  • A beautiful portrait of your donkey (A5) 
  • Two updates on your donkey in Spring (March) and Autumn (October) 
  • Access to 2 additional webcams not available on the public feed. 
  • A pair of tickets so you and one other can visit your donkey every year.


  • Annual Adoption
    Annual Adoption

    1 year membership; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern


    1 year membership; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern

  • Monthly Adoption
    Monthly Adoption

    1 year membership billed £3.50 every month, over 12 payments; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern


    1 year membership billed £3.50 every month, over 12 payments; automatically renewing on expiry, repeating the payment pattern


Gender: Male 

Year of birth: 2018 

Best friend: Ernie 

Height: 108cm/10.3hh 

Colouring:  Grey Dun 

Rex is fun and affectionate. He loves being groomed, which is lucky because he has a very unruly coat that needs a lot of brushing to look smart. If Rex sees anyone with a brush, he will be there ready and waiting for a full pamper session. 

Adoption Benefits: 

  • Adoption Certificate 
  • A membership card 
  • 4 Exclusive postcards to share 
  • Adoption guide/information 
  • A beautiful portrait of your donkey (A5) 
  • Two updates on your donkey in Spring (March) and Autumn (October) 
  • Access to 2 additional webcams not available on the public feed. 
  • A pair of tickets so you and one other can visit your donkey every year.

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